Min nye fotoblogg; Try seeing it through my lens C:
Denne bloggen forsvinner IKKE! Den nye bloggen er en tilleggsblogg der jeg kan eksperimentere med foto. Det står mer om det i første innlegget :)
Det står ikke så mye der enda, bortsett fra poenget med den, men det blir mer spennende etter hvert. Kommer nok til å legge ut de fleste bildene jeg tar der, så kommer sikkert til å linke videre dit istedenfor å legge ut dobbelt. Så uansett om du vil eller ikke, så blir du nok jaga inn der en gang iblant :) Har lagt den til i blogglista mi på venstre side her også, så når dere sjekker denne bloggen, så er det lett å se om det er noe nytt i den andre bloggen også :)
/My new photo blog: Try seeing it through my lens, C:
This blog will NOT disappear! The new blog is an additional blog where I can experiment with photography. It's more about it in my first post:)
It's not much to look at there yet, apart from the point of it, but it'll get more exciting after a while. I will probably add most of my photos there from now on, so I probably will link to that blog instead of posting it twice. So whether you like it or not, you are probably driven in there once in a while:) I've added it to your blog my list on the left side here, too, so when you check out this blog, it's easy to see if there is something new in the photo blog :)
And, btw, I dont think I'll translate that one. I will mostly be writing about technique and stuff, so if you are curious enough to read more than the pictures tell you, you'll have to use Google Translate. It's not an exact translater, but it'll give you the gist of it =)
That's it for tonight! Sleep tight, y'all :D