Søndag var vi på sightseeing med sightseeingbåt og slakta noen timer på TGIF (maten kom aldri, og når vi sa fra så fekk vi gratis dessert fordi de hadde rota bort bestillinga vår). June kjørte herfra i 7tida, og meg og Annema brukte resten av kvelden til å slappe av, skravle og se Åh, så det er sånn det er!, kjempemorsomme filmer med Calle i Raske Menn :)
Mandags morgen ble jeg forlatt. Annema og jeg dro hver vår vei, hu til Oslo, og jeg til Karolinska Institutet for å ha forelesning. Var dødstrøtt hele dagen på skolen, ble ikke så mye søvn i helga. Men det var utrolig morro å ha besøk av yndlings-søss og yndlings-svigerinne! =)
/My sister June and sister-in-law Annema visited me this weekend! They came Friday, just in time for lunch. We took the subway to the Solna and ate lunch. Sinead was also there, but she felt ill, so she went home after lunch, while the rest of us continued with some shopping. After shopping, we were completely exhausted, Annema laid down to sleep for a while, and me & June went for a walk. We found that it was best to take a slow Friday, and therefore went to the cinema. We saw "I Rymden Finns inga känslor" (There's no feelings in space), a really sweet and funny Swedish film! Recommend it to everyone! Saturday we went shopping -again. Went to a flea market just down the street here. There is a lot of shit there, but sometimes you can find some bargains. I found myself a skirt, June lots of fabric and Annema a hat. So we went home and washed up (felt dirty after the fleamarket :P), before we went on to do some shopping in town. Ate Chinese for lunch and at dinner we had Mexican. We actually felt like Indian, but we didn't find any Indian place. Went out drinking beer and enjoying ourselves in Gamla stan (old town) afterwards :)
Sunday we went on a trip with a sightseeing boat and wasted a few hours at TGIF (the food never came, and when we complained so we got free dessert, because they had lost our order). June left around 7ish, and me and Annema spent the rest of the evening to relax, chat and see Oh, so that's how it is!, hilarious clips with Calle in Fast Men:) (it's in Norwegian, but if you want to see it, here's the url)
Monday morning I was abandoned. Annema and I went our separate ways, she went to Oslo, and I to Karolinska Institutet to attend class. I was the dead tired all day at school, didn't get much sleep this weekend. But it was really fun to have visit from favorite-sister and favorite sister in law! =)
Meg og June på fredagstur, er jammen blitt høst i Stockholm og nå! /June and me on a little walk in the woods, Friday night. Looks like fall has come to Stockholm now!